Your right to change your mind.
You are buying a subscription to the Products from us online and so you have a legal right to change your mind. You have 14 days after the day we email you our confirmation of accepting your order, to complete the cancellation process. However, if the unique subscription access code has been entered and the Products downloading has begun before you action your right to cancel, you will lose this right to change your mind.
Telling us you have changed your mind.
By completing the cancellation process you are confirming that you would like to cancel your subscription.
What we will refund, how and when.
Once you have fulfilled the cancellation criteria set out in point 1 we will cancel and permanently disable your subscription code and we will refund to you the price you paid us for the Products when you ordered, by the method you used for payment. The refund will be made within 14 days of the date of receipt by us of your notice that you have changed your mind.